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        Cooking with Gourmori

        Tigelle Romagnole mit Prosciutto Crudo und Parmigiano Reggiano

        Tigelle Romagnole mit Prosciutto Crudo und Parmigiano Reggiano

        Entdecken Sie Tigelle Romagnole mit Prosciutto Crudo und Parmigiano Reggiano. Tauchen Sie ein in den Genuss dieser Köstlichkeiten aus der Romagna, die Ihren Gaumen erobern und Sie in die gastronomische Tradition der Romagna verlieben werden.

        Hier finden Sie die Zutaten, die Sie brauchen, um sie zu Hause im Handumdrehen zuzubereiten.

        Schwierigkeiten Einfach
        ca. 5 Minuten
        ca. 2 - 3 Minuten
        Kosten Niedrig



        Tigelle La Carsenta
        Tigelle La Carsenta
        Aufschnitt Devodier
        Aufschnitt Devodier
        Parmigiano Reggiano DOP 200 gr        



        • Erhitze die Tigelle La Carsenta in einer antihaftbeschichteten Pfanne bei mittlerer bis hoher Hitze fĂŒr 5-8 Minuten. Alternativ können sie auch fĂŒr ca. 5 Minuten im Ofen erwĂ€rmt werden. Koche jede tigella fĂŒr etwa 2-3 Minuten auf jeder Seite.
        • Entferne die Tigelle aus der Pfanne oder dem Ofen und lasse sie etwas abkĂŒhlen.
        • Schneide nun die Tigelle in der Mitte durch und fange an, sie mit Prosciutto, ParmesanspĂ€nen und etwas Salat zu fĂŒllen.
        Guten Appetit!

        Folgen Sie uns weiter, um neue fantastische Rezepte unserer italienischen SpezialitÀten zu entdecken! 

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        On April 6th, it's Carbonara Day: guanciale or pancetta? The mystery surrounding the original recipe continues to spark debate. Guanciale or pancetta? Pecorino or Parmigiano? And oil? Does it go in the pan? Garlic or onion or neither? Yolk and white or just yolk? The ancient origins and the first recipe of Carbonara, one of the most famous dishes, have been shrouded in mystery for centuries. Take inspiration from this celebration to prepare our version of spaghetti alla carbonara, following our recipe. Pay homage to one of the most iconic recipes of Italian cuisine, contributing to the spread of its history and culinary charm. Join us in celebrating the love for Italian cuisine and its culinary heritage on April 6th, Carbonara Day


        Difficulty: Medium

        Preparation: about 15 minutes

        Cooking time: about 7 - 8 Minuten

        Serving size: for 4 people

        Cost: Low



        Spaghetti 500gr Pasta di Canossa
        200g Guanciale Terre Ducali
        4 eggs 

        Freshly ground black pepper to taste

        extra Virgin olive oil
        Natives Olivenöl EVO Extra Seggiano DOP
        Salt aus Cervia (Quantity to taste)
        Salz aus Cervia
        KÀseschale aus Keramik mit Löffel der Marke Parmesan
        Spaghetti-SchĂŒssel aus Keramik der Marke Parmesan
        ParmesankÀse Marke Spaghetti Reibe und Schöpflöffel




        1. slice the  Guanciale iinto strips and brown them in a non-stick skillet until golden and crispy.
        2. In a large bowl, beat the eggs with the previously grated Parmigiano Reggiano KĂ€se uand plenty of freshly ground black pepper. Make sure to mix well until you have a homogeneous mixture.
        3. When the  Spaghetti is ready, drain it, reserving a splash of cooking water for later use, and transfer it to the still-warm skillet with our guanciale of Terre Ducali. Mix well to flavor them with the meat fat.
        4. Remove the skillet from the heat and add the egg and cheese mixture to the spaghetti, stirring immediately to prevent the eggs from setting too quickly. Continue stirring until the sauce thickens and evenly coats the spaghetti. For an even creamier topping, add a splash of cooking water and continue stirring until completely absorbed.
        5. Serve the spaghetti alla carbonara hot, garnished with a generous sprinkle of freshly ground black pepper and a shower of grated Parmigiano Reggiano.

        Enjoy this rustic and delicious dish accompanied by a good glass of wine.   Buon appetito!

        Keep following us to discover new fantastic recipes of our Italian specialties!

        Piadina with Parma ham and 5-cheese cream

        Piadina mit Parmaschinken und 5-KĂ€se-Creme

        Piadina Romagnola, also called "piada", is a flat bread without sourdough, typical of the gastronomic tradition of Romagna; it is made with flour, water, lard or extra virgin olive oil and baked on a griddle or testo; it is perfect for topping with cheese and cold cuts or as a substitute for bread! A unique delicacy that originated in Romagna, where it was considered a poor man's food. Today it is protected by the IPG and has become a symbol of Italian street food all over the world!

        Follow this piadina recipe with all the tips for making delicious piadina at home!


        Difficulties: very easy

        Preparation: approx. 10 minutes

        Cooking time: approx. 5 minutes

        Serving: 3 pieces

        Costs: Low



        Piadina IGP Romagnola
        Testo Romagnolo
        5-cheese-creme 125g IF&C
        (Quantity according to taste)
        (Quantity according to taste)

        1/2 spoon Organic balsamic vinegar cream of Modena IGP 250ml Bellei Bio Balsamico Essig Creme

        Natives Olivenöl EVO Extra Seggiano DOP
        Parmesancheese flakes
        (quantity according to taste)




        1. Heat the Testo Romagnolo or a non-stick frying pan, then put in the unseasoned Piadina and fry for a few minutes on both sides over a medium heat;
        2. Then remove the piadina from the heat and start the filling;
        3. Spread a few heaped tablespoons of 5-cheese-creme all over the Piadina;
        4. Arrange a few slices of Raw hamand a handful of rocket salad evenly;
        5. Now drizzle with 1/2 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil and 1/2 tablespoon ogranic balsamic vinegar cream from Modena IGP;
        6. And finally, don't miss a few flakes of Parmesan cheese;
        7. Fold the Piadina and heat it on the Testo Romagnolo or a non-stick pan for a few more minutes on each side; 
        8. Transfer to a plate and enjoy its unique taste! 😋And don't forget to let us know what you think, if you have any suggestions or tips!



        Remember that this is a general recipe, of course you can substitute the ingredients with anything you like: from cream cheese to the type of sausage, Salami, Coppa, Speck, Raw ham... A great ingredient is also tomato paste, try ot out!

        And if you want something sweet, fill your piadina with our spreadable creams!


        âžĄïž Keep following us to discover new fantastic recipes of our Italian specialities! 

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        Spaghetti with tomato sauce recipe

        Spaghetti mit Tomatensauce Rezept

        Dive into a taste explosion with our spaghetti with fresh tomatoes and basil leaves. This classic Italian dish is enhanced by a homemade tomato sauce with fragrant fresh basil. Each bite is a journey through the Mediterranean gardens, with the sweetness of ripe tomatoes mingling with a hint of garlic. The al dente pasta combines with a thick, enveloping sauce to create a symphony of flavours that appeals to all the senses. Complete this culinary creation with a touch of grated Parmesan and a drizzle of olive oil. Invite friends and family to experience a moment of authentic pleasure with this irresistible combination of tradition and innovation.


        Difficulties: Simply

        Preparation: approx. 15 minutes

        Cooking time: approx. 7 - 8 minutes

        Serving for 4 people

        Costs: Low



        Spaghetti 500gr Pasta di Canossa
        Tomatensauce 800gr Greci
        3 cloves of garlic, thinly sliced

        1 dried red chilli, chopped (optional for a spicy touch)

        1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
        Natives Olivenöl EVO Extra Seggiano DOP

        Salt from Cervia (Quantity according to taste)
        Salz aus Cervia
        1 handful fresh basil leaves, chopped
        Parmesan cheese (amount to taste)
        KÀseschale aus Keramik mit Löffel der Marke Parmesan
        Spaghetti-SchĂŒssel aus Keramik der Marke Parmesan
        ParmesankÀse Marke Spaghetti Reibe und Schöpflöffel




        1. In a large frying pan, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Add the sliced garlic cloves and the chopped chilli (if using). Lightly fry until the garlic turns golden.
        2. Add the tomato sauce and stir well so that the flavours blend perfectly. Cook over a medium heat for about 10-15 minutes until the sauce is hot and has absorbed the flavour and aroma of the garlic and olive oil.
        3. While the tomato sauce is cooking, boil a pot of salted water for the spaghetti. Cook the spaghetti according to the instructions on the packet. The recommended cooking time is about 7-8 minutes.
        4. Once cooked, drain and set aside some of the cooking water.
        5. Add the spaghetti to the pan with the previously heated tomato sauce. Stir well to mix the ingredients and add some spaghetti cooking water if the tomato sauce is too thick.
        6.  Season with salt.
        7. Put the spaghetti with the tomato sauce into a handy spaghetti dish.
        8. Scatter a few fresh basil leaves (to taste) on top.
        9. Finish with a little extra virgin olive oil.
        10. Serve the spaghetti with fresh tomato sauce with the practical ladle with spaghetti grater. A perfect kitchen utensil for serving spaghetti and then grating parmesan over it.
        11. Don't forget that you can preserve the freshness and unique taste of grated Parmesan in the practical parmesan bowl with spoon.

        Keep following us to discover new fantastic recipes of our Italian specialities!

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        Italian Bruschetta Recipe

        Italienisches Bruschetta-Rezept

        Turn your summer evenings into an extraordinary culinary experience with our alternative summer bruschette. Crispy toast, creamy cheese or anchovy spread come together in a combination of fresh, irresistible flavours. Every bite is a sensual journey through Italy. Accompanied by a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, a pinch of salt and a hint of lemon, these bruschettas are a hymn to summer and good food. The Bruschette Estive are simple to prepare but extraordinarily delicious. They are the perfect starter for special moments with friends and family. Make your evenings unforgettable with a touch of authentic Italian cuisine and discover the taste of summer in every bite!


        Difficulties: Simply

        Preparation: approx. 15 minutes

        Cooking time: approx. 5 minutes

        Serving for 4 people

        Costs: Low



        4 or more slices of rustic bread (like ciabatta)

        1 clove of garlic

        Juice of half a lemon

        50g fresh rocket

        30g roasted pine nuts
        60ml Extra virgin olive oil atives Olivenöl extra
        Natives Olivenöl EVO Extra Seggiano DOP
        Salt from Cervia and pepper (amount according to taste)
        Salz aus Cervia
        Sauces: Mayonnaise, broccoli, spicy anchovies, lemon and capers 
        Saucen: Mayonnaise, Brokkoli, pikante Sardellen, Zitrone und Kapern
        Cheese creme
        Vegetable sauces
        GemĂŒse Saucen
        A few slices of butter

        A few salted capers
        Kapern in Salz 1kg Greci
        Tenuta Baron sparkling wine
        Tenuta Baron Schaumwein


        Are you looking for new and delicious combinations with just a few simple ingredients? We'll let you in on our secret: in addition to the classic tomato bruschette, a classic of Italian cuisine, we present the "alternative summer bruschette", our fresh new interpretation of a typical Italian starter.  The crunchiness of the toasted bread combines perfectly with cream cheese or anchovy spreads to create a combination of fresh, irresistible flavours. Each bite is an explosion of flavours that takes you on a sweet journey through Italian cuisine.


        • Heat a grill or non-stick frying pan over medium-high heat.
        • Toast the bread slices on both sides until they are crispy and lightly browned. After toasting, rub the surface of the slices with peeled garlic, if desired, to give them a subtle aroma.
        • To enhance the flavour of the bruschette, add an extra splash of extra virgin olive oil, a pinch of salt from Cervia (quantity to taste) and some lemon juice (quantity to taste) on top.
        • For lovers of vegetable sauces: spread a good dose of pepper sauce, red sauce and green sauce on the surface of the crusty bread and discover the incredible taste and freshness of the vegetables.
        • For lovers of traditional anchovy sauces: spread a good dose of one of our selected sauces on the surface of the crusty bread: anchovies mayonnaise, broccoli and anchovies, spicy anchovies, anchovies with lemon and capers. 
        • Is the traditional recipe for Italian bruschette not enough? Try them together with our cheese cremes from our manufacturer ITALIAN FOOD & CHEESE. Spread the numerous cheese creams on golden, crispy slices of bread and let yourself be conquered by new, delicate flavours.
        • For lovers of a stronger and more refined taste, you can also prepare a bruschetta with anchovies fillets. Spread a little butter on the toasted slices of bread. Place 1 or 2 anchovies marinated in oil or hot sauce on top. Add some salted capers and your refined bruschetta with anchovies is ready to serve.
        • Optionally, you can decorate the bruschette with additional rocket leaves, some toasted pine nuts and fresh basil leaves.
        • If you are a lover of traditional Italian cuisine, you can prepare your bruschette in the traditional way. Instead of using spreadable sauces or creams, on the crusty bread, after adding a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, cut 2-3 tomatoes into small cubes and place them on the bread slice. Season with a pinch of Cervia salt and black pepper and the bruschetta is ready to serve

        Regardless of how you prepared your fabulous bruschette, serve them on a serving platter and start enjoying the freshness of the flavours. Combine your bruschette with a good white wine from our producer Tenuta Baron, and their taste will be even better!

        These summery bruschettas with tomato or cream cheese sauce are perfect as a starter or as a light dish for a summer evening with friends. Enjoy your meal!

        Keep following us to discover new fantastic recipes of our Italian specialities!

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